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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our No Good, Very Bad Day

Our No Good, Very Bad day apparently started early, but I only heard about it as I was driving home from work. At that point, Marcus was not a happy camper. He had a rough day and then my phone call distracted him, which caused dinner to burn. No good. I tried to cheer him up when I got home, but it didn't really work. So instead, we dug through the fridge to make something else before we both had to leave again. We found cheese and salsa. So we decided on omelets. You'd think that has nothing to do with a very bad day, but then as Marcus is flipping his omelet, yes flipping like without a spatula to turn it safely over, it misses half the pan and goes all over, including the wall behind the stove. Very bad. Luckily, this time he's laughing a little more about having two failed attempts at dinner. So he makes me flip the second omelet. I warned him it was a bad idea, but he insisted I try. Not only did my dinner fall all over the pan, it hit the stove, the fridge, the floor, the ceiling, my pants, my arms, well, everywhere. Very, very bad. At this point, we feel there's no hope for dinner and just laugh. But now, Marcus has eaten most of his first omelet, and I have splattered dinner. So I insist he makes me something, since I had the idea for his dinner. So with cheese and salsa, he decides to make me a quesadilla. Great idea. And he had one successful little guy. Except somehow as he's heating the second little tortilla in the pan, it burns. The stove wasn't even on very high. It hates us! So I put the burned tortilla on my head and dance around the kitchen like Monica does with the chicken (with the little hat and sunglasses) in Friends. We have another good laugh. At least I laughed this time :) So I make the quesadilla, and again, it burns, even though I turned the stove to basically low. Oh, and I still have egg everywhere. So Marcus leaves for class, I jump in the shower and then run off to orchestra rehearsal, and now our crazy evening is hopefully about over. Rough evening :)

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