Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Four Months

How is it that Chase already had his four month doctor appointment?!  At least he isn't quite four months yet...  We've got two more days :)

He's super healthy-- growing right on schedule.  His weight is in the 95th percentile, and his height is the 80th.  The doctor didn't say what his head circumference was, but she said it's big and proportionate :)

Here are some pictures of the growing boy...

Doesn't quite fit in his 3-month clothes (or diapers) anymore 

Watching Aladdin in his jumperoo

Holding his own bottle (which he can only do if it's about empty) 
Definitely a keeper.  Good thing I got to look through lots of cute pictures today since he's been a pill after the appointment-- he had a lot of shots, and it was freakishly cold outside.

But how could you not LOVE this cute face?!  

1 comment:

  1. What a healthy busy boy! We are so excited to see him do tricks in a few weeks. Thank you, Erica, for being such a faithful blogger.
    Love to all,
