Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, September 14, 2012

Our Showered (and Spoiled) Critter

On Tuesday, Marcus' work had planned a surprise baby shower lunch for him.  It was really fun to help them plan a little and see the surprised look on his face when he walked into his "meeting."  He really works for a great company, and to sum it up, CooperKatz LOVES babies.  They were so excited to celebrate with good food and presents.  They had pizza (which Marcus requested without realizing he had), salad, and garlic bread from a great little restaurant down the street from the office called Vezzo and some cookies from another local favorite called Insomnia.  And we, and by we I obviously mean our little guy, were totally spoiled by Marcus' coworkers.  Our little Critter now has several more cute outfits, awesome frog bath items, useful books (more for me), a great play mat, a boppy pillow, and more.  And then they sent us home with all our new goodies in a car so we wouldn't have to battle the subway.  They are truly fantastic people.  We had a fun time and are so grateful for their generosity!

Once again, I failed to take pictures.  I was more worried about being late and ruining the surprise than making sure I had a camera.  But I do have pictures of our almost organized mess of Critter supplies.  I'm sure it will all be rearranged a million times and hopefully I'll come up with better plans to maximize the space.  But you'll see things we've purchased, gifts from the ward shower and CK surprise lunch, and presents sent from family and friends.  Again, sorry there aren't pictures at the events.

Our BBB shelving unit with cute clothes, 
blankets, towels, washcloths, and some toys

Inside two of the bins.
Lots of socks and the toys

Ah, the mess I haven't organized.
But you can see the pack-n-play, boppy pillow, diapers, frog mat, and stroller

Chicago has to find new hiding spots now...

The boppy pillow, a great parenting book, and the pocket nanny

The awesome frog play mat lounging in the tub, 
that's balancing on a box of diapers.  :)

More maximizing space attempts
Under the pack-n-play, you can see the carrier, wipes, and disposable diaper bags

These two will have to go in the tub, but I wasn't ready for that step yet.
The frog pod to hold all bathing products and a frog safety cover for the tub spout.

Some books!

Like I said in an earlier post, I was working on washing everything.  These three super cute items needed to finish drying.  The blanket on the left was a gift from the YW-- they made it during one of their weekly activities I couldn't attend.

The diaper bag!  Technically I bought this because I had a nesting freak out where I NEEDED a diaper bag, diapers, and wipes :)

Really cute blankets and burp cloths Nana made.  

And now hopefully a completed pile of necessities for the hospital.

I know I'll never feel completely ready for the big change of becoming a parent, but we're so ready for his debut.  :)  And obviously many other people are too.  It's amazing how spoiled someone can be who no one has even met.  He needs to realize this is his cue to make his big entrance.  (Don't worry, I do realize his due date is still two weeks away and that most first time moms tend to deliver late-- doesn't mean I can't hope for something earlier...)  And again, thank you so much to everyone who's helped us prepare for our little boy!

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