Marcus has already watched a bunch of these shorts :)
Yay for new clothes I can wear at work!
I'm super excited about this pan-- we've finally finished our Calphalon plan collection. I'd recommend them to anyone. You can get them at Bed Bath & Beyond. :)
A personal favorite:
We met up with Marcus' Oma and Opa at In-n-Out one night and exchanged some presents. His oma always makes pillowcases, so we got some new ones that match our new Hardy decoration, which I love:
And our Christmas continued to actual Christmas Eve. We drove up to Salt Lake after work to spend time with Marcus' family. His mom made their traditional clam chowder dinner with salad and homemade artisan bread. It was really good. Marcus was so excited for the chowder-- he'd been talking about it for awhile. I should've taken pictures of the food! After dinner, Marcus' dad read out of the scriptures.
And then it was present time! The Hardys open their presents on Christmas Eve, which I thought was weird at first, but it was fun! Here are a couple random pictures of presents. We were so excited for everything we were given (and like I said, were spoiled beyond belief), but I'm only posting a few pictures here.
This is Marcus literally pointing me out for breaking the rules. We said he didn't get a Christmas present because he'd already used up his budget, but I gave him a present anyway.
He realized what it was-- his old jeans!
He kept laughing at how I had finally given back the jeans I'd stolen from him (because they were torn or too small) all cut up and sewn back together ;)
Aww-- he loved his blanket.
And here is what it looks like:
I thought this picture was hilarious. The toilet seat covers were part of his present.
Marcus made this book for his dad in his design class out of an interview he did on his dad. It was pretty amazing.
Marcus cheated too-- he got me a kindle.
I was so excited!
I hope you all had a great Christmas... and have an awesome New Year!